Stadt- und Regionalraum
Studienprojekt, TU Berlin, 2018
Ort: Berlin
Team: Anne Pollack-Boick
The ZK/U is one of the social and cultural institutions in Berlin-Moabit with a large worldwide network but also offering various events for the public troughout the year. Even tough if the ZK/U is more oriented across the borders of Moabit, it still bears a responsibility towards the life of its closer neighborhood by simply being part of it. While the institution is limited in its spatial dimension, the way to a deeper connection to their neighbors is to move outside and interact on the neighbourhood level.
We determined a total of 96 'Pocket Spaces' in an open space analysis, which got then classified by their character. Depending their physical features as well as facilitiy nearness and status. The spaces are mostly former parkin lots, now seperated to the street by pillars and are mostly unsused. Next to the ZK/U as an primarly supra-regional network, the area has a lot of social cultural and neighbourhood related initiatives, facilities and institutions.
Selected Works
Inclusive Landscape Munich NorthProject type
Entwicklungsperspektiven Leipzig-SüdostProject type
Lausitz 2050Project type
Joszef Atilla SettlementProject type
Soziale Innovation im LändlichenProject type
Mapping ZK/UProject type
Goldberg-MildenitzProject type
StadtbausteineProject type
Eggartensiedlung MünchenProject type
Bürgerbeteiligung RütliplatzProject type
Google UrbanismProject type
Future Urban Trade - PlastikgartenProject type
Typus: StadtLandschaft - TXLProject type
Städtische Gesundheit - TXLProject type
Retek Art Festival, WorkshopProject type
FotografienProject type