Le:Notre Student Competition, 3rd prize, 2017
Team: Anna Benkö, Gabriella Sogor, Julia Thurnay, Lili Nagy, Nora Csik, Edmont Istvan Kelemen, Ivett Szezerces
The Munich North is a multilayered and yet undifferentiated spatial setting, framed by urban sprawl, cultural landscapes as well as natural habitats. Due to its various municipality borders and lack of consistent administration policies, the area is in need for new perspectives and approaches. The main focus of this conference and competition was to refigure the munich north towards an inclusive landscape. The concept incorporates the existing infrastructure and various kind of places which can be valuable from cultural, natural and agricultural aspects.
Selected Works
Inclusive Landscape Munich NorthProject type
Entwicklungsperspektiven Leipzig-SüdostProject type
Lausitz 2050Project type
Joszef Atilla SettlementProject type
Soziale Innovation im LändlichenProject type
Mapping ZK/UProject type
Goldberg-MildenitzProject type
StadtbausteineProject type
Eggartensiedlung MünchenProject type
Bürgerbeteiligung RütliplatzProject type
Google UrbanismProject type
Future Urban Trade - PlastikgartenProject type
Typus: StadtLandschaft - TXLProject type
Städtische Gesundheit - TXLProject type
Retek Art Festival, WorkshopProject type
FotografienProject type